How to Unlock Your Way to Freedom from Negativity

unlock your way to freedom

What does freedom or freedom or unlocking freedom from negativity mean to you? And, have you ever thought you need a to unlock your way to freedom in your life? This might be the freedom from debt, fear among many other things that cause a negative impact on your life.

Well, you are not alone. Reality is that we have all had those moments when things get tough and all we want is a breakthrough. Moments when you feel that life has not been fair to you, feelings of sadness or feeling that you aren’t worthy and you just want to be free. Below is more information about negativity that will enable you to unlock your way to freedom and have a life full of success and satisfaction.

What is negativity in a person?

To answer the question, “What does freedom mean to you?”, you first need to know what negativity is. Negativity can either be brought about by life negative circumstances or negative energy coming from your environment.

If you are in a negative emotional state, often at times you will experience a negative shift in your surroundings. Sometimes you even feel sad for no reason and all you want to do is just live life in your own terms and in your own cocoon not wanting to let anyone in for fear of rejection. There are others who even prefer to stay away from their loved ones and feel broken and empty inside. These are all indications that you are harboring negative feelings.

It doesn’t matter who you are or your background because at this moment, you need to find ways to stop these negative feelings. It’s said that, change your thoughts change your life. You need to change your thinking and remove any negative thoughts. Until you change your thinking, you cannot change your life.

Even though life can leave you bitter to the extent of not seeing the opportunities lying ahead due to the events that have occurred in your life, this is not the end. If you are not sure what life has in store for you, are feeling stuck in life and want to unlock your way to freedom, read on to find out more about how to get past negative thoughts.

1. Keep focusing on the positive

Keep focusing on the positive things in your life no matter how small they seem. walking and don’t look back. Do what you love to do. It might seem like a long stretch and sometimes you might wonder if it’s worth it. But, as long as you have hope, know that even the tiniest bit of hope is enough to keep you going.

Change your thinking and attitude and believe that things will get better. As you walk, you will come across bridges and walls, but always believe that the grass on that other side of the bridge is greener than where you are NOW. You might stumble and fall, but you need to gather the energy and courage to stand. It doesn’t matter if you limp, jog, walk or even run if you have to, but keep moving forward.

2. Know that seasons change

Remember that we have different seasons; summer, winter, autumn and spring and summer will always come even after it snows. The same way there are different seasons of the year, there are moments in life that things will work out the way you want expect and sometimes they won’t. But, the seasons will always change. So don’t lose hope.

In case it gets very difficult, pray. There are people from different religious backgrounds and beliefs. Some believe in God and prayers and others believe in something else. There are others that don’t believe that God exists, but believe that there is a higher being with the power to change lives.

All that I can tell you is that there are forces beyond us and as long as you believe that things will get better and keep going forward, all will be well. It doesn’t matter what you believe in but as long as you trust that things will get better and keep believing, you will be fine. It will get better.

Tips to ensure your success


  1. Plan for every single day the moment you wake up. Start every new dawn believing that ahead of you is a beautiful start with opportunities for greater things to come. Set a target as to what it is you want to achieve for that day. Whenever a negative thought crops up, brush it off.
  2. Erase any negativity. Believe that you can go beyond the setbacks.
  3. Don’t ever look back at your past mistakes and dwell on their negative consequences, but look at what those mistakes have taught you. Focus on that and learn from them.
  4. At the end of every day, note down whether you achieved the number 1 target above. If yes, that’s a big up for you. If not, point out what went wrong or what you can do differently to achieve it.

Turn that pain into victory by using the above simple steps to unlock your way to freedom. Just practice the above every single day and believe that it’s impacting positively on your life.